
Monday, December 21, 2009

Hot Goldies Guys

Why hot goldies guys? Because we'll talk about the hot guys but they have been old. Yeah somekind like that. Well, if you don't understand you will!

Matthew Broderick

He was born March 21, 1962 in New York. Played as Niko Tatopoulos the handsome scientist that found a teory about nuclear effect that made godzilla. Another movie that he played was Inspector Gadget as Inspector Gadget.

Keanu Reeves

His date of birth is 2 September 1964 in Beirut, Lebanon this actor was so great at movie. Played in some cool movie like The Matrix, Constantin, and many more, he make him get a really bad gossip. He's a gay! What a news that shocked his fans!

Johnny Depp

In 9 June 2010, he will be 47 years old. All movie that he played always booming. What can I say anymore?

Billie 'Green Day' Armstrong
He's the second youngest of all. He was born 7 February 1972 in Oakland California. He is Green Day vocalist. His newest album is 21st Century Breakdown.  GoGoGo boys!

Leonardo DiCaprio
19 November 1974, is his birthday. He's most booming movie is Titanic. He played as Jack Dawson, the poor guy who fall in love with a rich women named Rose DeWitt Bukater who played by Kate Winslet. Ok Leo wish you always play more great movie.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Remy Thorne

Hey, I’ve just googling and found a great website young male celebs. And I just wondering that Bella and Remy Thorne have same style when take a pics! Let’s check it out

bella_thorne_20081126 Remy T

Wow…really a great soulmate! Bye Bella, bye Remy…

Now or Past *2*

Hell hell helloooo everybody who read this blog. Thanks for keep reading this gossip and all celebrity’s stuff blog. Now and past. The other session of this blog which discuss celebrity appearing now and when they were child. Let’s start it!


amd_macaulay_culkin (cute huh, but you’ll shock after)

Macaulay Culkin

Macaulay culkin smokers

doesn’t he terrible?

Hayley Joel Osment

Hayley Joel Osment

It’s him before aging

Hayley J Osment

it’s now. Not too bad

Carter Jenkins

Carter Jenkins He’s curly before!

carter jenkins2It’s him in Alien in the Attic

Jonathan Taylor Thomas

jonathan_taylor_thomas_1229710241Do you know this guy? He played in The Adventures of Pinocchio (1996)


And it’s him after! Which is better?

And that’s it! Maybe this is the last session of Now or Past. Bye bye

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Anne Hathaway

Talk about Anne Hathaway,  she’s pretty has a good ability in act. I have a pic of her, check it out


how about this picture.  She looks awful. Oh no… and sometimes I imagine that she looks like Manohara.  Manohara GO TO HELL!

Ok, I just wanna add manohara in sucks celebrity list which before Robert Pattinson and Bella Thorne have join this list. Bye bye… wait in the next news from ICH SAGE.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Chasing Liberty

Ok i don't wanna talk about movie, because my post title is a title of a movie. Sooo who is Liberty. Can you imagine how is Liberty? Let we imagine how is Liberty looking?

Kristen now Like this? No it’s Kristen Stewart

HelenaBonhamCarter94 or this? No it’s Helena Bonham Carter

liberty We talk about a girl (or creature) not statue!

Sooo, who is Liberty that we talk about? It’s Liberty Carlin, Skandar Keynes’ girlfriend. Actually it’s not a girlfriend but we can’t call her creaturefriend so let we call it girlfriend. Ok close your eyes, take a breathe and…

Liberty Carlin

say hi to Liberty!

Keep awake! Don’t let your heart stop to beat. Don’t let this creature defeat you! And… for the first time, it’s not fake! She’s the real Skandar’s girlfriend. But if I say the girl above is Skandar’s girlfriend, i’m trully lying (even she’s more more and more better than Liberty)

Nadella(hahaha del lo cantik. Ntar kalo lo protes gue remove kok foto lo)

And that’s the true (even true is not cool). So don’t forget to keep in touch in Ich Sage.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Now or Past

Hey do you know Frankie Muniz who played in Agent Cody Banks? Yeah, his really cute right? What about Freddie Highmore from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory? This is some pics of some celebrity now and in the past


Frankie Muniz 21 (It’s Frank Muniz in the past. Cute and handsome.)

frankie-muniz-at-cloverfield-premiere-jan-08-mitmvc_6_(It’s him now. Yuks looks like rascal!)


freddie-highmore-20070105-194210(his childish face looks very cute)

dfanning072609_02-full  (isn’t he looks like Neville Longbottom?)


taylor-momsen-opera-03(how cute her in ‘The Grinch’)

taylor_momsen300  (well, she’s deadly beautiful. But I like her past most)


Kristen (she’s sooo You-Nit-A *bukannya alay buat penyamaran aja*)

Kristen now (so RWHOOCK!)


Shia (hahaha no comment!)

shia-labeouf-pic(should be handsome huh?)


babypattinson1(cute so much than, …)

RobertPattinson_HouseofWax2(something smell! What the heck this sucks smell!) 

Sooo that’s the now and past pics of some celebrity. Confused? Don’t be. Keep reading in this blog. Ciao

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Most Old-looking Celebrity

This is the most old-looking (not vintage, but really old-looking like your grandma or just your mother or maybe one of them look like your nanny!)

  1. Sarah Bolger, prediction age = 35-40, real age = 18
  2. Bella Thorne, prediction age = 17, real age = 12
  3. Manohara, prediction age 37-42, real age = 18
  4. Miranda Cosgrove (in this pic), prediction age = 37, real age = 17
  5. Jade Olivia, prediction age = 45 up, real age = 20sdanielradcliffeXPO1_304x337


And it’s meAnnaSophia

And it’s my boyfriend

Also my brother


Hahaha just keep dreamin’ girls!  

Friday, July 31, 2009

Another From Miranda

Okey, this post isn’t talk about Tante Miranda (Tisya I mean) but its talk about MIRANDA COSGROVE *applause*. Here we are, 5 facts about Miranda Cosgrove

  1. She will play in the next Batman movie “Batman and the Joker’s Kiss attack”. Coming soon in 3009
  2. She loves to eat something wide, like table, window, door, and everything, and she take the food in horizontally.
  3. To mark her food, she kisses something, so beware. If you have been kiss bye Miranda, she will eat you!
  4. She is 37 years old!
  5. She have paid 700 million dollars to play film and serial tv. Yeah she paid for that!


“Thank You for read 5 facts about me! I kiss you, SMOOCH”

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Photo Comment Episode *Special Edition*

I was YouTubing then I found this great movie. I know this should be a photo to be comment, but this video have a photo too. Watch it!

Kalo di YouTube gambarnya kayak video bokep tau. Cakep ya. Sebelumnya sih si Chris lebih cakep, tapi lama-lama kayak orang idiot.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Photo Comment Episode 6

*Picture by: Mariska F.*
Telah ditemukan sebuah foto sebuah keluarga bahagia. Mereka menyebut diri mereka Keluarga Tulang. Namun dalam foto ini hanya ada kakak beradik Tulang Rusuk (Tusuk) dan Tulang Semua (Tuma) bersama pacar sang Tulang Semua, Otot Lunak (Onak). Berikut laporan kami

Reporter : Selamat Pagi keluarga tulang. Bisa minta waktunya.
Tusuk : Oh, mbak ini reporter ya? Wah kita terkenal dek.
Tuma : Where? Where's the reporter. Oh hi I'm TUMA and you're my friends. Muah..muah..
Reporter : ??? Jadi begini kami ingin Anda bercerita tentang keluarga Anda. Bagaimana suka dukanya menjadi keluarga yang tubuhnya hanya tulang kulit dan kentut saja?
Tusuk : Sebenarnya agak mengganggu. Keluarga kami bahkan sering diejek papan penggilasan. Kami hampir tidak sanggup menjalani ini
Tuma : Iya, saya juga sedih. Kalau kami sudah kentut. Kami bahkan menjadi lemah karena bagian vital (?) dari tubuh kami terbuang. Tapi mungkin ini memang takdir kami. Huhuhu..
Reporter : Saya mengerti. Saya juga sering mengatai kalian papan penggilasan, incest, dan... Ehem maaf. Lalu apa yang membuat kalian bertahan.
Tusuk : Saya bisa bertahan sejauh ini demi my baby love adikku, eh maksudnya, pacarku. Dan adik serta kakak-kakakku
Tuma : Kalau saya mungkin karna dukungan fans (emang punya?) dan pacar saya, Onak. Ini dia pacar saya.
Onak : Hi sayang..kamu lagi diwawancarain sama paparazi ya. Heh dasar paparazi, jangan ganggu cewek gue lo! Nggak tau apa gue mantan preman tanah abang.
Reporter : Nggak bang, saya nggak ganggu. Saya cuma nanyain keluarganya aja. Baik-baik kok (sambil menyelipkan uang Rp 20.000)
Onak : Karna gue preman tanah abang, cukup lah. Lo mau nanya gue nggak? Gue kan pacar dia nih.
Reporter : Oh iya, jadi mengapa Anda mau menerima kekasih Anda ini? Apakah cinta atau apa?
Onak : Tentu karna cinta. Dia hidup saya. Dia rapuh dan saya harus menjaganya (cieee)
Reporter : Lalu, akankah kalian menikah?
Tuma : Ya enggaklah, saya tentu akan menikahi Tusuk. Karena saya sangat mencintai dia meskipun dia kakak saya. Cinta tidak memandang status.
Onak : Apa? Lo najis banget lo. Gue cinta sama lo. Tapi kenapa lo nggak mau sama gue?
Tusuk : Sudah jangan ganggu adik saya. Sudah cukup kami berpura-pura. Kita memang saling mencintai.
Reporter : Lho..lho..lho.. kok jadi rusuh. Aduh pemirsa maaf atas drama picisan ini. Tujuan saya adalah menyuguhkan sesuatu yang lucu malah gajelas gini. Maaf pemirsa, kita terpaksa berpisah. Sampai jumpa di Photo Comment selanjutnya.

P.S. Dalam bahasa jawa tuma artinya kutu.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Photo Comment Episode 5

B-E-L-L-A and...THORNE. Is the most disgusting word I ever heard (bella-nya cuma bella thorne kok. Bella salsabila nggak). And Remy Thorne is the victim of wickedness of Bella, his sister. As we know, Bella and Remy have boy and girlfriend. But actually they were a couple too! And this is the fact...

Ohh Remy..How pity you are..
I think it's enough to talk about Bella Thorne. Bella Thorne can cause incest desease, make you crazy, and avoid your lucky.

P.S. I'll be back Thorne (to your guestbook)

Photo Comment Episode 4

Photo comment edisi ini akan ditampilkan dalam bahasa Indonesia secara penuh. Mengapa? Karena kali ini foto yang akan dibahas adalah foto marshanda. Pada photo comment kali ini akan saya buktikan bahwa marshanda mirip selena gomez

Coba bandingkan!

Mirip ya? Mirip gak! Pokoknya mirip gamau tau. Jadi ini pesen gue buat Selena LO GAPANTES SAMA TAYLOR DASAR T**!!!
Ya sekian dari saya. Sampai jumpa!